Friday, October 22, 2010

What Diet Works for You?

By Dawn Tolson

In my review of the Dukan Diet, I self-confess to being a diet freak. I listen to adverts on the TV with more than the normal interest; I scan the current magazines searching for new tips on losing weight; but in reality, there are many people out there who would tell me I'm crazy. For what reason, you may ask? Well, the reason is that I am 44 years old, 5’5”, 138 pounds and a size 6. Truthfully, in many peoples' eyes I shouldn’t even be on a diet, but the reality is I am 10 pounds over the weight I feel happy with.

Weight is a personal thing--my 10 pounds may be like 200 pounds to the next person. I own and literally wear my 10 pounds every day, and it is to me a baggage around my ankles or thighs actually. I have come to the conclusion that it is a personal search for what diet works for you and I am still searching. I have tried ones that tell me to drink only coffee, eat cabbage soup or even salmon all day, and still every time I have a limited amount of success, and then Bam! I am back to my larger size as soon as I start to relax and eat normally. Some people can choose a diet, follow it for 10 months and lose a load; some like me spend years trying different ones and never achieve success. I have to wonder what I am doing wrong, or is there not a diet out there that caters to my category?

Please tell me I am not the only one who thinks this way. What’s your experience dieting? Is there an alternative? Did it change once you crossed over the 40 mark?       


  1. Diets, I've lived a life time of them. I think I've gained and shed over a thousand pounds in the last thirty years alone. What it now comes down to for me is: Am I healthy? How's the blood pressure? Do I have any health risks because of my weight?

    Sometimes I think my doctors are perplexed that I am so healthy considering that I am more than a little over weight and I gotta say that that right there makes me smile. I'll continue to try to make good choices for the sake of my health, but every now and then I'll have my cake and eat it too.

  2. Did you mention cake?? I love cake - maybe there is a cake diet out there for me to try!

  3. I've never had the gumption to stick to any of the diets. I hate feeling hungry and eliminating entire food groups (like the Atkins diet)-I don't see how people can do it. Now that I'm 40, I knew I had to do something. Even exercising alone didn't do any good(an hour workout, 3 times a week!)-until I changed my diet. I have a great recommendation for everyone: There is a line of books sold on Amazon(publisher is Rodale) called "Eat This...Not That!" It gives you great recommendations for substituting healthy alternatives to our favorite, everyday foods. Resturants(even fast food), grocery stores, drinks (even alcohol). So, in a way, you have have your cake...and lose weight too. It's really opened my eyes to how reading labels (not counting calories) can help you lose weight. This has been the only thing that has worked for me...I'm almost at 20 pound weight loss now...and I can do more pushups(and situps) than my boyfriend!

  4. Way to go Lea - I am going to have a look at those books !

  5. Yes, "after 40" changes alot of things physically. I have also found out in the last year and a half that "after fifty" brings more changes. I have not conquered the big ole weight monster but I do think I know what would work very, very well. Don't look for a diet! It has to be a lifestyle change, a way of eating that you can do the rest of your life. I think if we all chose to eat non processed foods, fresh fruits and vegetables when possible (which is easier if you eat things that are locally in season) and stayed away from most white things....bread,rice,potatoes,creamy things we would have less of an obesity issue in this country. So yea, there's the answer, I'll let you know when I start living it @@

  6. Haha good Beverly - actually someone told me about the clean living diet which effectively is about eating fresh food and not processed. I think I may have a go. However did you notice it says 'diet' at the end. Oh there is no hope for this 'diet-freak' lol

  7. I love how the textbooks call it "creeping obesity"...when you gain a pound a I'm up to 150, when i was at 125 most of my life. Even lost most of it after having my son at almost 38...I definitely see a huge change in metabolism post-40. I never, ever considered dieting in my entire life, and now I'm wondering what in the hell to do with my muffin top. I'm up to a size 8, and that's with the fat squeezing out the top. (excuse the graphic nature of these comments)...My doc says his wife has to exercise an hour and a half a day to JUST MAINTAIN her weight. Exercise? OMG. My vet put our boxer on a diet, so I guess we'll be taking more walks. Maybe I'll drop a few, but I refuse to give up my mochas. At least I've switched to skinny. It helps to say skinny a lot.

  8. I wanted to suggest checking the books out of the library first, to see if you liked them. Also, someone told me today that they picked some up at BJ's. I'm sure they are cheaper there.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sheilah I love the thought that even dogs are being put on a diet now haha whatever next and Lea what a good idea - I will do the library thing first thanks!


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